Guide Revolution Inc. Apps

Cafe - Renungan Harian Katolik 2.5
Guide Revolution Inc.
CAFE adalah renungan harian bercitarasaKatolik. CAFE disajikan oleh IKI (Institut Karmel Indonesia) yangkemudian diterbitkan oleh KARMELINDO yang berada di kota Malang.Renungan Harian CAFE ini berbentuk aplikasi dibuat khusus Andaagar bisa menikmati, membaca, menghayati renungan setiap hari diAndroid Anda, di manapun, tanpa perlu membawa buku lagi.Update berkala setiap bulan, dan Anda hanya di kenakan biayaberlangganan sebesar Rp 12.000 per bulan!Gunakan teknologi secara positif untuk menumbuhkan iman danmendekatkan diri kepada Tuhan dengan cara membaca renungan setiaphari.By purchasing a subscription or downloading an app you agreethat you have read and accept Our privacy policy and Terms ofUse KARMELINDOJl. Raya Tidar 1 CMalang 65115Tlp. 0341 - 558516HP. 081 334 206 860* Mengenai hal teknis, silahkan menghubungi Ferry081216828398
Hawai Malang Water Park 1.3
Guide Revolution Inc.
Hawai Water Park merupakan Wahana permainanair terbesar sekaligus terliar di Indonesia. Berada di kota Malang- Jawa Timur.Berikut fasiltas yang bisa Anda dapatkan di Hawaii Water Park:- Lebih dari 10 wahana seluncur terliar- Lebih dari 20 permainan air yang interaktif- Water Park terliar di Indonesia- Tower seluncur tertinggi di Indonesia- Kolam ombak terbesar dengan gelombang tertinggi- Lazy pool terpanjang di IndonesiaAplikasi ini merupakan presentasi jenis-jenis wahana yang bisaanda explore di Hawaii Water Park, selain itu anda bisa bermaingames sederhana seperti puzzle dan memory game. Dengan mendownloadaplikasi ini, anda juga akan mendapatkan notifikasi informasi darikami mengenai Hawaii Water Park.Download app ini,dan nikmati petualangan bersama keluarga Andadi Hawaii Waterpark !
Guide For Candy Crush 2016 1.2
Guide Revolution Inc.
If you still can not play candy crush, you candownload this app to play candy crush more easier than youthink.
Luna Maya Puzzle 1.0
Guide Revolution Inc.
Puzzle is interactive, pleasure, andsometimesalso can be addictive game.. :)Puzzle can increase your intelligence and of course,yourpatienceYou can forget your problems at minutes when you play this puzzleThis is puzzle game for Luna Maya Fans..If you are fans of Luna Maya, then you will love it. Get thisLunaMaya Puzzle for FreePlay and enjoy this game when you are relaxed, with your familyoryour friends!Contain 5 picture which you can play all day long, so youneverbored with this game.You can also set as wallpaper when you finish the puzzlePlay and forget your debt for a while ! :DNote :This is unofficial app. This is Fans App that created byinspiringLuna Maya
Bisnis Online Banyak Peminat 1.0
Guide Revolution Inc.
Karyawan Punya BISNIS? Kini Saatnya!Anda Bisa Berbisnis Sambil Tetap “Ngantor”Bisnis Online Produk PasutriMengapa Anda Perlu Punya Bisnis?-Anda BUTUH Penghasilan TAMBAHAN!-Anda tidak ingin SEUMUR HIDUP Bekerja untuk orang lain.-Anda ingin bisa Liburan Kapanpun Anda Mau tanpa pusingmikirincuti.-Anda ingin bisa Bangun Tidur Sesuka Hati.-Anda tidak ingin Diperintah & Dimarahi oleh atasan yangtidakmengerti Anda.-Anda merasa pekerjaan sekarang Tidak Sepadan DenganHasilnya.-Anda ingin Lebih Banyak Waktu untuk orang-orang yangandasayangi.-Anda Tidak Ingin Meninggalkan Keluarga saatbekerja/berbisnis.-Capek bermacet ria & habiskan waktu di jalan tiap hari.-Anda sadar sebagai karyawan Tidak Ada Jaminan sampaikapanperusahaan butuh anda.-Anda ingin bisnis yang pada akhirnya bisa hasilkan profitterusmenerus meskipun sedang bersantai (passive income).-Anda ingin bisnis yang Bisa Diwariskan ke orang yang andasayangi(bukannya mewariskan hutang).-Anda ingin segera mempersiapkan HARI TUA anda darisekarang(pensiun dini & menikmati hidup) dengan membangun"kerajaanbisnis" bagi keluarga anda!"Jangan lama-lama menjadi karyawan - BerbisnislahSekarangJuga""Lebih baik jadi kepala semut daripada ekor gajah"Mungkin itulah kalimat yang sering kita dengar dalambeberapaseminar dan motivasi. Right?Namun bagaimana cara berbisnis sehingga bisamencapaikesuksesan?Aplikasi ini akan memberikan gambaran mengenai carasuksesbisnis, cara memilihnya, dan tips dan triknya supayamendapatkanpenghasilan yang tidak terbatas dari bisnis tersebut!Sangat mudah dipelajari dan aplikatif, sehingga andalangsungbisa menjalankan, dan memperoleh hasilnya.Selamat berbisnis, dan berbisnislah dengan tujuan yangjelas!
Bercocok Tanam 1.0
Guide Revolution Inc.
Sebuah aplikasi game yang mempunyaibeberapalevel, dari mulai mudah sekali sampai sulit, sehingga andadapatmelatih strategi dan mengatur supaya kegiatan bercocok tanamakanberjalan dengan baik.Cara bermainnya : anda harus menyiram bunga-bunga yang adanamuntidak boleh membasahi orang atau petani yang ada di sana.Cocok bagi anda yg ingin melatih otak agar siap dalambertandingdan bertarung, mempersiapkan strategi perang :)Mainkan pada saat waktu luang anda, di perjalanan, padasaatmenunggu teman, dll.Game ini akan membuat anda ketagihan bermain, awas hati2 :)An application gamethathas several levels, ranging from easy to difficult, so youcantrain and adjust the strategy so that farming activities willrunwell.How to play: you should be watering the flowers that existbutshould not be wet people or farmers who were there.Suitable for those of you who want to train the brain to bereadyto compete and fight, prepare war strategy :)Play during your free time, on the go, while waiting forafriend, etc.This game will make you addicted to play, watch hati2 :)
Jokowi Puzzle 1.0
Guide Revolution Inc.
Jokowi adalah calon Presiden yangbersih,jujur, dan tanggap.App ini merupakan aplikasi gratis yg ditujukan untuk parafansjokowi.Silahkan nikmati dan mainkan puzzle ini di saat waktusantaianda.Note : Aplikasi ini bukan aplikasi resmi, namun merupakanfansapp.
Puzzle Leonardo Da Vinci 1.0
Guide Revolution Inc.
Puzzle is interactive, pleasure, andsometimesalso can be addictive game.. :)Puzzle can increase your intelligence and of course,yourpatienceYou can forget your problems at minutes when you play this puzzleThis is puzzle game for Leonardo Da Vinci Fans..If you are fans of Leonardo Da Vinci, then you will love it.Getthis Leonardo Da Vinci Puzzle for FreePlay and enjoy this game when you are relaxed, with your familyoryour friends!Contain 5 picture which you can play all day long, so youneverbored with this game.You can also set as wallpaper when you finish the puzzlePlay and forget your debt for a while ! :DNote :This is unofficial app. This is Fans App that create byinspiringLeonardo Da Vinci
Guide :Fifa 2016 1.0
Guide Revolution Inc.
This application is our guide of the main5most overwhelmed 4 star ability moves and underneath on FIFA16that you can use to move beyond resistance safeguards andscoremore objectives. These are impeccable after the patches thatEAdischarge and function admirably in either online ordisconnectedfrom the net diversion modes
Guide :Smule Karaoke 1.1
Guide Revolution Inc.
Want to use Smule with maximum function?Then this guide will help you muchIncluded picture in every step by step and very detailinstruction how about to use SmuleIn This application, you can find how to duet karaoke and solokaraoke.Just install in seconds and keep in your smartphone, this willhelp you much in using Smule.Thank you
Guide for 1.3
Guide Revolution Inc.
Welcome to the best guide there for thenewdiversion: Guide is an instrument where you discover a tonofdata around one of the most recent marvels indiversions;, an application in view of the great snake,however inmultiplayer mode. Turned into the best with the mostideal systemworm.This aide is partitioned into a few classifications to helpyoufind all that you require basically. Controls, systems,pellets,skins and traps are five windows in the primary windowispartitioned. In every you will discover all the fundamentalandcrucial data to see how to play and how to utilize every oneofthat information to change them into leeway over your rivals.With this utility you can figure out how to play Slither.ioonthe off chance that you've never done, or to locate thebestmethodology on the off chance that you've played before andyouneed to end up the best player in your front room. In you discover any solutions for your inquiries andyoucomprehend the mechanics of the diversion with one andonlyperusing each of the passages traps and tips of thisapparatus.In the event that you arrive it is that you requiresomeassistance ... This application will help you learn new and even can be the best on the planet.For a point by point data of all! Furthermore, it is bestthatmethodologies and traps to wind up the best arelikewiseincluded.They are likewise your supply all skins that there,so it's ideal!Likewise, you needn't bother with an Internet associationwithperspective the vast majority of the substance it offers.
New Smule Karaoke Sing Guide 1.2
Guide Revolution Inc.
Smule lagi ngetrend, jadikan aplikasi karaokesebagai hiburan disepanjang hari anda.Aplikasi ini akan membantu anda untuk menggunakan Smule secaramaksimal, dengan ada 2 bahasa yaitu Indonesia, dan English, andaakan menikmati tutrorial yang ada karena juga dilengkapigambar-gambar yang jelas.Silahkan install aplikasi ini mumpung lagi gratis.Dan dapatkan tutorial paling lengkap mengenai Smule dan caramenggunakannya.Smule ngetrend, makekaraoke entertainment applications throughout your day.This application will help you to use maximally Smule, with no twolanguages, namely Indonesian and English, you will enjoy tutrorialthere because also features pictures clearly.Please install the application again mumpung free.And get the most complete tutorial on Smule and how to useit.
Guide :Smule Sing 1.2
Guide Revolution Inc.
Wondering how to use Smule in all condition?Then this guide will help you much.Just install this application and the guide in this applicationwill help you step by step how to use Smuleeven you dont know about smartphone works.Smule will works better with this application.So start install and enjoy Smule in every time in your life.
New Smule Sing Karaoke Guide 1.2
Guide Revolution Inc.
Hi friend,May be you are using Smule, but can not use it for max..Relax, you can install this application, and enjoy the best tipsandtutorial about Smulehow to use it, and how to make solo or duet song withyourfriends.Lets go to install this app and get ready make your lifemorecheerful with Smule.
Guide For Smule Sing 1.3
Guide Revolution Inc.
Using Smule everyday?So install this application, you will need that.This application will guide you step by step to make your Smuleworks 100% and max.With this guide, you can use Smule Application with maximum.Smule is popular application this time and for next years. Sodont waste your time. install this and make your life happy.
Jadwal Misa Gereja Katolik Ind 1.0
Guide Revolution Inc.
Akhirnya selesai sudah saya membuatAplikasi"Jadwal Misa Gereja Katolik Seluruh Indonesia"..Dengan bangga saya mempersembahkan karya saya kepada seluruhumatKatolik yang ada di Indonesia untuk memudahkanaktivitasnya,terutama untuk mengetahui jadwal misa, di manapun kitaberada.Dengan Aplikasi ini, kita tidak lagi dibingungkan olehjadwalmisa yang berbeda-beda diantara gereja-gereja, apalagi kalaukitaberada di luar kota.Aplikasi ini bisa kita gunakan berdasarkan nama gereja,kota,ataupun jam misa yang ingin anda ikuti. Sehingga untukberikutnyadiharapkan tidak ada umat yang tidak ikut misa karenatidak tahujadwal misa.Konstitusi tentang Liturgi Suci (Sacrosanctum Concilium)KonsiliVatikan II menegaskan, “Sebab melalui Liturgilah dalamKorban IlahiEkaristi, `terlaksanalah karya penebusan kita'. Liturgimerupakanupaya yang sangat membantu kaum beriman untuk denganpenghayatanmengungkapkan Misteri Kristus serta hakekat asli Gerejayangsejati.” (SC #2).Dalam Perayaan Misa, setiap umat beriman Katolik diperkayadenganrahmat yang berlimpah: kita diberi santapan Sabda Tuhan -kebenaranAllah yang kekal, yang telah dinyatakan kepada kita danditulis dibawah ilham Roh Kudus.Segera download aplikasi ini, enjoy & upgrade your life!I finally finishedalreadymade the application "of the Catholic Church Mass ScheduleAllIndonesia" ..I'm proud to present my work to all Catholics in Indonesiatofacilitate their activities, especially to determine theserviceschedule, wherever we are.With this application, we are no longer confused by theserviceschedule, which varies among churches, especially if we areout oftown.This application can be used by the church name, city, orhoursMass you want to follow. So for the next expected no peoplewho donot attend the mass because they do not know theserviceschedule.The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (SacrosanctumConcilium)Second Vatican Council affirmed, "For through Liturgilahthe DivineVictim of the Eucharist,` be established work of ourredemption.Liturgy is an excellent efforts to help the faithful toexpress inthe mystery of Christ and the real nature of the trueChurch. "(SC# 2).In the Mass, every Catholic faithful enriched withabundantgrace: we are given a meal of the Word of God - the truthof theeternal God, who has revealed to us and written undertheinspiration of the Holy Spirit.Immediate download this app, enjoy and upgrade your life!